Return to Boating

Posted On 29 June, 2020

Click here to visit the RYA’S COVID-19 hub.

The latest guidance from the Royal Yachting Association (RYA)…

“We are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak carefully. As the situation develops, please be reassured that our primary concern is the health of our members, affiliated clubs, classes, recognised training centres (RTCs), instructors and volunteers. Our thoughts are with our entire network during these challenging and uncertain times.

The guidance below has been put together to assist clubs, classes and RTCs, and is consistent with advice from the UK government and Public Health England. If you are operating overseas, you should follow advice from the government and public health authorities in that country in addition to the advice laid out below.

This guidance was last updated on 24 June 2020.

Preventative measures

What is the RYA’s advice for RYA clubs and RTCs within the UK?

Current guidance for England

The current measures to stop the virus spreading include: staying at home as much as possible, limiting contact with other people, washing your hands regularly and keeping your distance from others outside your household (two metres apart where possible). You should not leave home if you or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms.

Please continue to take action to prevent the potential spread of infection. The latest guidance from the UK Government can be found here.

On 13 May, the Government published guidance on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England.

In England people are currently permitted to leave their homes to exercise and to spend time outdoors for recreation. They can also travel for outdoor physical activity, as long as they return the same night and do not put others at risk because of services they may need in the time they are away. People should continue to avoid using public transport and should cycle, walk or drive where possible.

Groups of up to six people are permitted to meet in outdoor spaces, provided those from different households continue to strictly observe social distancing rules (two metres apart where possible).

People that live alone, or are single parents with dependent children can now form a ‘support bubble’ with one other household. All those in a support bubble will be able to act as if they live in the same household. Support bubbles should be exclusive, meaning they cannot be switched to another household or multiple households.

All forms of watersports practiced on open waterways are permitted, including: sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, surfing, paddle-boarding and the use of privately-owned motorised craft (in line with guidance issued by the relevant navigation authority).

Sport facilities are allowed to open and people are allowed to visit venues like a sailing club to exercise. However, indoor facilities such as clubhouses, bars and restaurants should currently be closed, apart from toilets and throughways.

Food and drink take-away services can be offered, but any hot or cold food must be consumed off the premises, outside of the building.

Easing of restrictions in England from 04 July 2020

On 23 June, the Prime Minister announced changes to lockdown measures that will apply in England from 04 July and include:

  • Bars, restaurants and clubhouses will be able to open provided they follow COVID-19 Secure guidelines.
  • Two households (support bubbles count as one household) can meet in any location – public or private, indoors or outdoors – provided those from different household follow social distancing guidelines.
  • People can stay overnight away from their homes with members of their own household or support bubble, or with members of one other household.
  • Groups of up to six people from different households continue to be permitted to meet in outdoor spaces provided social distancing guidelines are followed.
  • It will be against the law to gather in groups larger than 30 people, except for a limited set of circumstances to be set out in law and unless all members of the group are exclusively from two households.
  • Where possible people should continue to stay two metres apart. If this is not possible, a distance of at least one metre (1m+) should be observed, provided the risk of infection is mitigated by taking other precautions. This includes measures such as: avoiding being face-to-face with people outside of your household or support bubble, use of face coverings where social distancing is not possible and avoiding crowds.

The Government have published FAQs on the easing of restrictions:

Home Countries

This guidance applies to England, however restrictions in the Home Countries continue to develop at different stages and follow a significantly different approach. For more information please follow the links below:

Further updates

The RYA will continue to review its guidance for all clubs and centres as more detail becomes available.

We understand you may be worried about the welfare of those who are most vulnerable and encourage you to share the RYA guidance around coronavirus, which is consistent with advice provided in the UK Government guidelines.

The Government is advising everyone to stay alert:

  • Stay at home as much as possible
  • Work from home if you can
  • Limit contact with other people
  • Keep your distance if you go out (stay 2 metres (6ft) apart where possible)
  • Wash your hands regularly”